
10 Mobile Innovation Trends To Watch This Year


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2015 was such an exciting, transformational year for every aspect of mobile, you’d be forgiven for asking “how much more can it rise?” Well, read on as we share our thoughts on the drivers and trends that will make this year, the official Year of Mobile.

(NB: Look out for links to case studies and support content, throughout!)

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Augmented Reality Developers – Turning Fun Fantasy Into “Real” Life

Some people may complain about how tech-centred this generation has become. It’s nearly impossible to find young people who aren’t “hooked” to their smart phones and media playing devices or tablet PCs, surfing the net, listening to music, watching videos and playing games. However, today’s techies claim that, with technology, they have better amusement and make smarter use of their time — it certainly beats staring into space, musing lazily about nothing in particular. Read more


Augmented Reality Company Enhances Marketing Efforts Of Competitive Enterprises

Everybody is quite fascinated with technology these days. Even those who have a lot to complain about how it takes away many of the fundamental values that shape character (like hard work, because accessing important information can be done in just a click of a button) find it utterly “far out” how certain experiences that are not accessible to many can easily become a reality now through digital technology. Read more

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